Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I hosted my Bunco group last night and it went quite well. The prizes I picked out were all girly stationery and stickers, mostly from the Martha Stewart line at Michael's. I figured this is the kind of stuff girls have a hard time justifying buying for themselves, just for the heck of it, so they'd be fun things to win.

(And yay for me - I won a prize for most wins, so I ended up with the bundle of goodies on the right side of the top picture.)

Here's a picture of the treats that went on each table:

(See the grapes? Totally healthy!)

And here is the food - multigrain and tortilla chips with salsa and artichoke jalapeƱo dip:

And brownies (from scratch) and oatmeal cookies:

EdgyK, note the platter. :)

I think everyone had a good time. It was a low-key evening as usual, with everyone just chatting and laughing the night away. Two girls announced their pregnancies (!) which means that a THIRD of our Bunco group is currently pregnant.

It really isn't that hard to host, but I sure am glad I've got it out of the way. I won't host again until next year (if we are still doing this next year). I really didn't want to host with a newborn.


The Ditto clan said...

Okay, What two people announced pregnancies? I only heard Estelle??!

Liz said...

talk to me about this jalapeno artichoke dip. please and thank you.

(and those prizes look great!)

also? bunco? que?

AM said...

That looks like a really fun evening. And brownies from SCRATCH? I didnt even think that was possible. I thought you HAD to make them from a box. :)

EdgyK said...

I think Anth is the only person on earth who makes brownies from scratch, she is so cutting edge like that. You didn't even have to note the platter I was looking for it. Everything looks better on that platter. I am more bummed I missed I love those prizes, you are right I love that stuff but never buy it for myself. Your food is soooo healthy---Good Job!

Neil and Meredith Larson said...

Those brownies look so good I am going to have to go and get me some!

Stefanie said...

What a cute idea with the stationary. I agree, it is something I rarely buy for myself but always seem to need.

Cassie said...

Mmmm, that food looks delicious! I'm so hungry now...

Melain said...

Nice food spread! I might even play Bunco for a spread like that! Actually, I did go to a bunco party once. It wasn't so bad. How are you feeling these day little lady? I miss your friendly bloggity comments. :)