Shamelessly swiped from Melain
A - Advocate for: more stupid science fiction movies, such as Earthstorm (starring Stephen Baldwin!!) and The Black Hole.
B - Best Feature: Probably my eyes. They are big and have nice lashes. Dh says my butt.
C - Could Do Without: Eggplant Parmesan and alarm clocks.
D - Dreams & Desires: I would like to get really good at karate. And learn Spanish. Also I would like to travel outside of North America.
E - Essential Items: Pretty, brainless magazines, this blush, and a steady supply of good books to read.
F - Favorite Pastime: Reading and shopping. It's a tie. Well, only if I actually have some money to spend while shopping. Otherwise, just reading.
G - Good at: optimism and crocheting.
H - Have Never Tried: lobster.
I - If I Had a Million Dollars: I would save most of it, and use some for a month-long trip. I would pick one continent and travel all around it, seeing the cool sights. And shopping.
J - Junkie For: mind-numbing games like Bejewled and Bingo Luau. Gah, I can't believe I just admitted that.
K - Kindred Spirit: Rainbow and EdgyK. They are two girls to whom I can say any lame thing that pops in my head, i.e., I can be myself around them.
L - Little Known Fact: When I want to get out of the house and buy something but it's the end of the month (read: I'm low on funds), I head to the thrift store or the dollar store. That way, even if I go buck wild I've still only spent 10 bucks.
M - Memorable Moment: Not to slight Baby #2, but finding out I was pregnant with Miss E was one of my top moments. It occurred on the due date of the baby I lost and so was a very precious event.
N - Never Again Will I: Date a guy who treats me like crap. (Um, hopefully I will never date another guy at all.)
O - Occasional Indulgence: Cold Stone ice cream. Lucky Charms.
P - Profession: Stay-at-home mom.
Q - Quote: I can resist everything except temptation. -Oscar Wilde
R - Reason to Smile: Pregnancy eventually ends.
S - Sorry About: I stick my foot in my mouth with regularity.
T - Tag Some Friends: Katie. EdgyK. Deena.
U - Uninterested In: ever eating beets again.
V - Very Scared Of: something happening to Dh, Miss E, or Baby Boy.
W - Worst Habit: I allow my insecurities to inhibit me from reaching out to others.
X - X Marks My Ideal Vacation Spot: I cannot pick because I want to travel pretty much anywhere. Of the places I have been, Puerto Morelos in the Yucatan peninsula.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Taurus. I can be stubborn, but I wouldn't say stubbornness is my overriding characteristic. Though I do like delicious food, delightful fabrics, and sex. Which is very Taurean of me.
Oooo, this is fun! (I may steal this from you.)
I noticed you're reading "Change of Heart." It was amazing and made me cry...Of course, I don't know if that was the actual book, or the hormones, or a combination of both. You'll have to let me know what you think of it!
I have never eaten lobster either. Or beets for that matter.
I love a good thief!
AMEN to delicious food, delightful fabrics, and sex. I would for sure work those into my rendition of Maria VonTrapp's "My Favorite Things". Have fun with THAT song running through your head now. Be sure to replace the lyrics some where in there.
Hey-- I saw you read "the ruins". How'd you like it? Did you know there is a movie coming out soon, like in a week, i think??
I love your A-Z list! I LOVE Taurus's too! :D
Re E: I need new blush so I am going to try that.
Re L: I was totally planning on giving you 10 $1 bills for your birthday spend at the dollar store. How did I know that.
Re T: Dang it I've been tagged. I guess in blogging world that really can't be ignored.
Re U: MMMMMM pickled beats, you are missing out.
Re Z: Go Taurus!
p.s. check out my new profile.
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