Friday, April 06, 2007

Fishing in Cuernavaca

Katie meets Baby E, June 2006.

First of all, I am so excited for my dear friend Katie -- she just got engaged!!! Woo-hoo! So go on over and tell her congratulations, because she rocks. She is getting married at the end of June, and I know she's going to love being married.

I co-hosted a baby shower last night at my house. It was quite a success, let me tell you. Good turnout, lots of yummy food, and I even sort of enjoyed the games (I hate games at baby showers, but my friend - the pregnant girl - wanted them, so I made the co-host plan them. Ha ha) By the time everyone left and I had finished cleaning up, I was ex-haust-ed. In no small part because I stupidly stayed up late Wednesday night hanging out with JDub. I fell into bed and slept soundly...until 2:15 am. Someone was banging on the door.

Well, of course it was T, my brother-in-law, come for the weekend. But Dh was sleeping on the couch, so that he would hear T knocking and let him in. When I went into the living room, Dh was sleeping peacefully on the couch as T continued to bang on the front door. Silly Dh. If only I could sleep so deeply at any time.

I woke him up: Dh! T's here!

Dh: Huh?

Me: T's here! He's banging on the door! For like five minutes!

Dh (confused): So?

Me (exasperated): So, go let him in!

Dh takes a bit to wake up and make sense. Ha ha And I certainly wasn't going to let T in, as I was standing there in my skivvies.

Dh and T are off fishing right now. Tomorrow they are...going fishing. If Sunday wasn't the Sabbath, they would be going fishing. I am totally married to a redneck.

I took Baby E to the park for the first time on Wednesday (we've been having the most gorgeous spring weather this week! Yay!) and she enjoyed the swing, though she was a bit tentative. Naturally I forgot the camera. Oops.

We laid on a blanket in the backyard yesterday for a while. I'm sneaky - I know Baby E won't crawl on the grass, so I can easily contain her on the blanket. Whereas in the house, she goes everywhere. That did mean though that I couldn't do anything else, because she fully expected me to entertain her and feed her Gerber Puffs the entire time.

Today I have a lovely sore throat as punishment for enjoying the lovely outdoors. Bah. My allergies are so much worse since I moved to Oregon.*

Now if you can believe this, I am going to roast a chicken for the first time in my life tonight. My mom is not much of a cook, she'd be the first to tell you. So my cooking ability is self-taught. As such, it is erratic. I avoid recipes that sound hard, even if they are actually easy. Someone has to tell me it's easy, then I try it and feel sheepish for avoiding it all these years. So yes, a roast chicken tonight, with Moroccan Spice Rub. Also Spring Risotto from the new cookbook I just bought: Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker For Two.

*And by worse, I mean a bit inconvenient. Not like my poor friend Rainbow, who literally cannot open the windows all summer or her eyes start weeping and her nose stuffs completely up.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I totally understand the cooking thing. I honestly don't like to cook, and I am afraid to make anything new. Everything just sounds too hard. And then my husband (who likes to cook), will start "helping" me. Instead, we just end up getting in a fight.