Sunday, August 19, 2007

So It Turns Out...

...that I can end a sentence with a preposition!

And here's a blog that's rather amusing: Strange Maps
Thanks to Rocks in My Dryer for the link.


Texasholly said...

Good. Because I often end sentences with a preposition and start them with conjunctions. :)

Thanks for your nice comment, by the way. I am determined to stop the scorekeeping game...I'll let you know if I ever figure it out!

Ms. Smoochy said...

That article on grammar was an awesome read! Who knew that we could take so much license with our writing and still not feel like we're bending the rules? I feel liberated. Or at least less like a sloppy writer!

Anonymous said...

I was very happy to read that article -- it takes so much pressure off! (Did you see that? I ended with a preposition, and it's something I don't have to feel guilty for! There, I did it again!) As a former English major, though, I still feel sort of funny about it...I'll have to take it slow.

Advizor54 said...

I love the "Strange Maps" link, if found it through a link-to-a-link-to-a-link-to-a-link-to-a-link-to-a-link-to-a-link-to-a-link browsing session a while ago.