Thursday, July 07, 2005

I'm So Glad It's My Friday

I love working four days a week. Especially during four-day weeks. Yeah, that means I've only had to work three days this week. Woo-hoo!
So. First of all, my little brother is a married man. Weird. I really enjoyed watching The Canadian get grouchy during pictures. Ha ha I really didn't enjoy when my 19-year-old brother shot me in the hip with a BB rifle. Though he later gave me some good leads on cool new music out. I really enjoyed getting a fantastic massage from Em, my 17-year-old sister. I really enjoyed tooling around New York & Canada making bratty comments with Em & Lynn (13 years old). I really enjoyed hugs from my baby brother, who is 8 1/2 now. I really hated throwing up after the flight back to Oregon. (That was a cue to feel bad for me ha ha)
Second of all, the visit last weekend from my sister-in-law (Dh's sister, not The Canadian) went quite well. I believe fun was had by all. We went hiking one day, to the coast the next, and then visited Dh's aunt, uncle & cousins Sunday evening. Sister-in-law has made a lot of progress since I first met her, and has shed a lot of baggage.
Third of all, I suppose I should inform everyone of the status of Operation Golden Eagle, which has been permanently shelved. Golden succumbed to pressure and moved to San Diego. Girlfriend is still deluding herself, because that boy won't settle down anytime soon. Truth be told, I'm glad he's gone. Sometimes he made me uncomfortable, a la DJ, standing too close to me, making inappropriate comments (sample: "You're too hot for him to talk to"). Mostly I'm glad he's gone because JW was taking out her frustrations about his behavior towards me on me. So not fun. Things were getting really tense between us. Now things are back to normal, though perhaps our friendship has been changed deep down. I haven't had time to ponder that possibility.
Fourth of all, we are going camping on Saturday with DJ, Rainbow, & co. We'll see how this goes. I'm leery for two reasons: 1) Dh and I have never been camping with children. 2) I don't really want to be alone with DJ (kids don't count, since they don't seem to stop him from saying things). I should be able to avoid that, as long as I stick to Dh or Rainbow pretty closely. The kids issue, eh I guess I don't even know if it is an issue.
Tomorrow I'm helping Clarissa babysit Charity's kids so Charity can go do something fun (her birthday was a bit ago). My hope for the morning: I hold Clarissa's adorable baby while she keeps the boys entertained. Ha ha Then I'm going to get my hair cut. Finally. I know, I know. 6 months is waaaay too long to let it grow. I'm getting 4 or 5 inches taken off, and it will still be well below my shoulders. Right now it's about 2 inches below my bra strap, and it's driving me insane. I stopped curling it ever about a month ago (well, and then for the wedding, but barely), do you like how it has still taken me a month to call the salon? Ha ha

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